Mark your calendars! The White Hall School District is hosting a Health and Wellness Fair for our students, families, and community. There will be free activities for the entire family. Please join us on March 5, 2024 from 5:30-7:30 PM at the White Hall Community Center.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
Mark your calendars! The White Hall School District is hosting a Health and Wellness Fair for our students, families, and community. There will be free activities for the entire family. Please join us on March 5, 2024 from 5:30-7:30 PM at the White Hall Community Center.
White Hall High School will host a CTE Showcase on Thursday, February 22, 2024 in the Performing Arts Center. Stop by between 10 AM and 12 PM to learn more about our amazing CTE Programs!
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
White Hall High School will host a CTE Showcase on February 22, 2024 in the Performing Arts Center.  Guest may arrive between 10 AM and 12 PM to learn about the exciting things happening in our Career and Technical Department.
School will be in session on Monday, February 19th. WHMS and WHHS will begin the new bell schedule. The new bell schedule is ONLY for WHMS and WHHS. All elementary schools will follow their regular schedule.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
Happy Valentine's Day from the White Hall School District!
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
Happy Valentines Day
White Hall High School will host a CTE Showcase on February 22, 2024 in the Performing Arts Center. Guest may arrive between 10 AM and 12 PM to learn about the exciting things happening in our Career and Technical Department.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
Drop by the CTE Showcase to learn about the exciting things students are doing at WHHS.  Join us 2/22/2024 anytime between 10 AM-12PM in the Doug Dorris Performing Art Center at WHHS.  If you have questions, contact Mollie Sanford,
White Hall High School earned the AP® Female Diversity Award for the 2022-23 school year. The AP Program recognizes schools that have achieved 50% or higher female exam taker representation in one or both of the AP computer science courses. Congratulations, WHHS!!
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
White Hall High School was selected as 2023 Pine Bluff Commercial Readers' Choice Best High School! Congratulations!!
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
Mr. Sullivan
Mark your calendars! The White Hall School District is hosting a Health and Wellness Fair for our students, families, and community. There will be free activities for the entire family. Please join us on March 5, 2024 from 5:30-7:30 PM at the White Hall Community Center.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
White Hall School District Health and Wellness Fair Tuesday, Mary 5th from 5:30-7:30 at the WH Community Center
There will be a Varsity Football Parent meeting with Coach Patton tomorrow night from 5:30-7:00 PM in the Performing Arts Center at WHHS. He will lay out expectations, important information, and the schedule for the upcoming spring and summer. Go Bulldogs!
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
Varsity Football Parent Meeting Jan. 30th from 5:30-7 Pm in the Performing Arts Center at WHHS
There will be a Varsity Football Parent meeting with Coach Patton next Tuesday, January 30th from 5:30-7:00 PM in the Performing Arts Center at WHHS. He will lay out expectations, important information, and the schedule for the upcoming spring and summer. Go Bulldogs!
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
Varsity Football Parent Meeting--Tuesday, Jan. 30th from 5:30-7 PM in the Performing Arts Center at WHHS.
Middle School Parents: First-semester report cards will be sent home today.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
Morning Update: The White Hall School District will begin as scheduled. Buses are running on their regular time schedule. We are monitoring the weather and will update you immediately if there are any changes.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
The White Hall School District will be in session tomorrow. We will follow our regular schedule. There is the potential for freezing precipitation overnight. We do not anticipate this impacting our school, but we will notify you if there are any changes. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
SCHOOL CLOSURE: The White Hall School District will be closed on Friday, January 19th. There have been improvements in many areas; however, a significant number of roads on our bus routes remain covered in ice and snow. (The photo in the post was taken at 3 PM on 1/18/24.)
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
School Closure: January 19th
SCHOOL CLOSURE: Due to icy conditions remaining on many secondary roads and a winter weather advisory in effect from 6 AM to 12 PM tomorrow, the White Hall School District will be closed on Thursday, January 18th.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
SCHOOL CLOSURE UPDATE: The main roads are mostly clear, while the secondary roads still have snow/ice. The temperature will rise above freezing in the early afternoon. Clearing of parking lots and campus roads will begin this morning. The decision for tomorrow will be made close to sunset, as it depends on how much the secondary roads clear with the higher temperatures.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
SCHOOL CLOSURE: The White Hall School District will be closed on Wednesday, January 17th due to icy conditions on secondary roads. Primary roads are improving, but freezing temperatures today will prevent secondary roads from clearing. We will provide an update on Wednesday afternoon.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
school closure: Wednesday, January 17th
The White Hall School District will be closed on Tuesday, January 16th. Extremely cold temperatures continue to cause unsafe travel conditions. The district will provide an additional update on Tuesday afternoon. Please stay safe and warm!
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
The White Hall School District will be closed on Tuesday, January 16th.
The White Hall School District will be closed on Monday, January 15 in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District
The White Hall School District will close all campuses today. The power outage impacts a significant number of students within the district. Entergy has estimated the power restoration to be 2 PM today. Again, all campuses will be closed today. This day will be made up on Monday, Feb. 19th.
about 1 year ago, White Hall School District