We are working with Entergy to determine the estimated time for power restoration. As soon as this information is determined, we will announce if school will begin on time, be delayed by 2 hours, or cancelled.

ATTN Parents: Bus routes will be delayed due to power outages. We will update you on departure times as quickly as possible.

We hope that everyone enjoys the last few days of the break. We can't wait to see our students on Monday morning!!

Happy Holidays!! We hope that our students and staff enjoy their break! Students will return to campus on Monday, January 8th.

Three White Hall High School students were selected to serve on the 2024 EAST Conference Leadership Team!!! Congratulations to Brooklyn Powell, Photographer;
Tucker Neikirk, Videographer; and Logan Guynn, Ambassador Team Member.

The White Hall Middle School and High School Bands invite you to attend their 2023 Christmas Concert tonight at the White Hall Performing Art Center. The concert will begin at 6:00 PM.

Dr. Raymond Jones, President of the White Hall School Board, received the Arkansas School Board Association 30 Years of Service Award today. The district is grateful for his tremendous service to White Hall Schools. Congratulations, Dr. Jones!!!

The White Hall Middle School and High School Choral Departments invite you to attend their 2023 Christmas Concerts on Monday, December 4th at the White Hall Performing Art Center. The WHMS concert will begin at 6:00 PM and the WHHS concert will begin at 7:30 PM.

Happy Thanksgiving from the White Hall School District!

Today is Substitute Teacher Appreciation Day! Substitute Teachers make a difference in the lives of students every day. We are incredibly grateful for their contribution to our school district. If you would like to join this outstanding group, applications are available at the White Hall Administration Building.

White Hall High School's Madrigal Feaste will be held on December 1st and 2nd at the Pine Bluff Country Club. Tickets are still available for Friday, December 1st. Tickets, which include dinner, are $50 and can be purchased from a choir member or by contacting Cindy Roberts, robertsc@whitehallsd.org.

Mrs. Maynard's art students visited the White Hall Administration office to share their recent artwork. Their work included sketches of the Moody Pond, Moody Elementary, and even Bulldog Stadium. Our students are talented artists! Thank you so much for sharing your art with us!!

White Hall elementary schools fresh fruits of the week are black grapes and kumquats. Black grapes are high in Vitamin K, which helps to heal wounds and build healthy bones. Kumquats are a good source of Vitamins C & fiber. We hope that our students enjoy their healthy snacks.

Our elementary students had a wonderful Red Ribbon Week! Thank you Ms. Allen, Ms. Crater, Ms. Delaney, and Ms. Phillips for helping our students learn to Be Kind to their Minds!!

Our elementary students' fresh fruit is the pineapple. Did you know that this tropical fruit is full of Vitamin C as well as Vitamins B6, E & K? Pineapples are a delicious, healthy snack!!

Today's Fire Prevention Tip: Always keep a lid nearby when cooking. If a small grease fire starts, slide the lid over the pan and turn off the burner. Learn more about cooking safety at fpw.org.

Today's fire prevention tip: Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove so that no one can bump them or pull them over. Learn more about cooking safety at fpw.org.

Today's fire prevention tip is to WATCH what you heat. Set a timer to remind you that you are cooking. Learn more about cooking safety at fpw.org

October 9-13th is Fire Prevention Week. Did you know that cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries? This week we will share tips to prevent cooking fires. Cooking safety starts with you!

The White Hall School District will be closed on Friday, October 6th. We hope that you enjoy a relaxing break. We will see you on Monday!