Daily Announcements

Video Announcements 2-21-25

Mrs. Eggleton’s AP English Comp 11th grade students will meet in the auditorium during third period today to take a mock AP exam.

STUDENTS: When you check out of school and return back to school, please make sure to sign back in on the paper at Mrs. Mitchell's desk.

Then check into the hall pass system.

Securely is merely for hall passes and will NOT check you in or out. If you do not sign back in, you may be counted out for the remainder of the day.

STUDENTS: If you receive an email from Securely stating that you have D-Hall due to tardiness, please disregard. Do NOT go to D-Hall unless you are called to the upstairs office and told by a principal to attend D-Hall.

All students are encouraged to participate in the school-wide math contest sponsored by Mu Alpha Theta. The competition will be held after school, Wed. 2/19 and awesome gift card prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each math subject. See your math teacher for more details and an entry form.

Friday, February 21st: The Freshman Dance will be held from 7-10 PM at the Community Center. Tickets are on sale now through the end of 2nd lunch on February 20th.  Tickets will be sold at the door for $10.00 cash. 

ONLY FRESHMAN from WHHS will be allowed to attend the dance.  Everyone must show a current 24/25 Freshman ID to enter the dance.

Any questions please direct them to Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Thompson, or Mr. Sullivan.

Students! The ACTM Regional Math Contest is here! The contest will be held at the University of Arkansas at Monticello on Saturday, March 1st, 2025. It is free to enter and attend.

You will be responsible for paying for your lunch.

We will leave the high school at 8:20 AM on March 1st. Registration forms can be picked up from your math teacher and all forms must be turned in by Friday, February 14th, 2025 at the end of school. If you have any questions, reach Mrs. Pullman at pullmana@whitehallsd.org.

Beta Invitations will go out this week during RTI to 9th graders who qualify for membership.

Please read the invitation carefully and pay attention to due dates.

Please see Mrs. Kirkley (Room 239) or Mrs. Eggleton (Room 140) with any questions.

Girls State Applications are available in the counselor's office for 11th-grade girls. Girls State will be held at Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas, from May 25th-30th.

The deadline to turn in applications is March 7th @ 3:36.

Boys State applications are available in the counselors' office for 11th-grade boys. Boys State will be held at UCA from May 25th to May 30th. Students selected to be delegates will be notified before Spring Break.

All applications must be received by Mr. Lunsford no later than the end of the day on Friday, February 28th.

Class of 25: If you completed service hours for the first semester, please see Mrs. Kirkley (Room 239) or Mrs. Eggleton (Room 140) to buy your Beta Club Graduation Stole.

The cost is $16 and must be paid by Friday, February 28th.

The WHHS Prom "Euphoric Night Under the Northern Lights" will be April 12, 2025, in the High School Cafeteria.

Tickets will be on sale March 3 - 14 during both lunches. Tickets are $25 each.

The Cafeteria now has a Grab & Go Breakfast option at the Salad Bar area.

Come give it a try!

Student Council applications for the 25-26 school year are available. To apply, sign up at Mr. Lewis’ room 134 or Mrs. Thompson’s room 206.

An e-mail with the application link will be sent by the end of the day.

If you have any questions please let Mr. Lewis or Mrs. Thompson.

Only come by between classes or during lunch.

Do you need community service hours?

Students can earn hours helping in the basketball concession stand.

Here is a link to sign up: https://bit.ly/BBallConcessionCS

Contact Mrs. Doggett if you have any questions or need more information.

Leftover homecoming shirts are on sale for $15 each. Pick up from room 122. Sizes range from small to XL.

Project Renew is about Advocacy. Together we focus on raising awareness for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.

Yearbook orders will continue through March. It can be paid in installments. The cost is now $75. Go to jostensyearbooks.com to order now.

For those interested in learning more about traveling to Europe with WHHS for Spring Break 2026, here are the slides from the informational meeting on September 24: Click Here. For more information, please email Mrs. Katharine James at jamesk@whitehallsd.org.

 The media center is open every day to check out and return books.

The media center is open Monday through Thursday for lunch. You can stop by the media center before the start of third period to sign up for a digital lunch pass.

Mrs. DJ Stacey, College and Career Coach's  Google Classroom Codes:

Class of 2025 -  s6a7yl6  

Class of 2026 - cuosrbx

Class of 2027 -   oonbejt

Class of 2028   ifqz5bs

Other Announcements:

Parking passes will only be available for purchase before school, during both lunches OR after school. 

Students -  You must have an ID when you eat breakfast or lunch or you will be written up for no ID.

All students who drive and park on campus must have a registered parking space.  PARK IN YOUR SPACE ONLY -no exceptions!

ALL STUDENTS ARRIVING AT SCHOOL MUST USE COURTYARD OR THE PATIO ENTRANCE BY THE CAFETERIA. You must enter the building as soon as you arrive on campus.  You are not allowed to be in the parking lot, sitting in your car or standing around and visiting UNLESS YOU ARE ON THE PATIO BY THE CAFETERIA.  If you enter the campus AFTER 8:20 a.m. you MUST come through the front door and sign in at the upstairs office with Mrs. Green.  The courtyard and patio doors will be locked after 8:20. 

AFTER SCHOOL - students will be allowed ten (10) minutes to clear the building after the final bell.  The school campus is off-limits to students after 4:00 p.m. or a reasonable length of time after the end of a school sanctioned or sponsored activity. No loitering. White Hall Police will be notified after 4:00 to give a ticket for loitering.

Have you lost (or found) something? Lost and Found is located against the back wall in the media center.  

Attendance office (Mrs. Green) phone number is 247-3465. Her email is greenc@whitehallsd.org. Please use this number to request anything pertaining to attendance.  

Principal’s office phone number is 247-3255.

The counselor’s office phone number is 247-4778.

Friday, February 21st: JVG/VG/VB Basketball @ Hot Springs 5:00

Saturday, February 22nd: State Indoor Track Meet @ Fayetteville

Thursday, February 27th: JVB/VG/VB Basketball @ Sheridan 5:00 (rescheduled game)

Friday’s Lunch: Golden chicken corndog with vegetables.

Monday’s Lunch: Cheesy layered beef lasagna with wheat dinner roll with vegetables.

Weekly Alternate options: Tuesdays-baked potatoes Thursdays - different soups

You MUST have money in your account to purchase Snack Bar Items or Ala Carte’ Items.