The district’s administrative, supervisory, and support staff, which includes the superintendent of schools, three assistant superintendents, the district’s school nurse, special education supervisor, food service director, gifted and talented supervisor, district literacy specialist, technology systems manager, bookkeeper, maintenance supervisor, administrative assistant/secretary, assistant bookkeeper, receptionist/secretary, and food services/student services/transportation secretary, are housed in the Julius Brown Administrative Building at 1020 West Holland.
Gary Williams | Superintendent |
Cedric Hawkins | Assistant Superintendent Transportation/Maintenance; Title VI Coordinator |
Debbie Jones | Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Federal Programs and 504 Coordinator |
Tracy Samples | Chief Financial Officer |
Mark Cantwell | Athletic Director |
Margie Parker | District Special Education Supervisor (LEA) |
Patsy Garner | District Child Nutrition Director |
Mary Passmore | District Gifted & Talented Supervisor |
Jennifer Menard | District Testing Coordinator; Director of Communications; District Virtual Principal; Title IX Coordinator; Family and Community Engagement Coordinator; Foster Care Liaison |
Chris Hopkins | District IT Supervisor |
Kelly Andrews | District School Nurse |
Beverly Beck | Administrative Assistant to Superintendent/eSchool |
Jackie Mossburg | Secretary Food Service/Transportation/Maintenance |
NicoleRoss | Secretary Assistant Superintendents/Residency/Home School |
Meddie Detore | District Receptionist/Assistant to Bookkeeper |
April Haynes | District Bookkeeper |
Carol Eagle | District Bookkeeper |
Cappi Morgan | Secretary to Special Education Supervisor |